Books of the Bible in alphabetical order (free printable) 

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This list of the books of the Bible in alphabetical order comes with a free printable you can use in your homeschool room or Sunday school classroom.

open bible on a counter top with a bouquet of flowers next to it.

The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is a compilation of sixty-six books. The great bible was written by about forty different authors. The exact number of authors is unknown because it is not clear who wrote some of the books.

The three original languages the Bible was written in were Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic.

The Bible is divided into two main parts (the Old Testament and the New Testament).

The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible ever printed. It was printed in the latin language in the year 1455, in Mainz Germany. It had no title pages or page numbers. There are still forty copies of the Gutenberg Bible around the world; one complete copy can be found in the U.S. Library of Congress.

Information Included in this list of Books of the Bible in alphabetical order

  • We will go through all the books in the entire bible.
  • You will see some extra information after each book is listed.
  • The books of the Bible will be listed in alphabetical order.
  • Next to each book you will see where in the Bible it’s located. In the Old Testament or in the New Testament.
  • You will also see the author next to each book.

The 66 Books of the Bible in Alphabetical Order

1- Acts

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Luke.

2- Amos

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Amos.

3- 1 Chronicles

Found in the Old Testament. Written by Ezra.

4- 2 Chronicles

Found in the Old Testament. Written by Ezra.

5- Colossians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

6- 1 Corinthians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

7- 2 Corinthians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

8- Daniel

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Daniel.

9- Deuteronomy

Found in the Old Testament. Written by Moses.

10- Ecclesiastes

Found in the Old Testament. Thought to be written by King Solomon.

11- Ephesians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

12- Esther

Found in the Old Testament. Author is unknown.

13- Exodus

Found in the Old Testament. Thought to be written by Moses.

14- Ezekiel

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet/priest Ezekiel.

15- Ezra

Found in the Old Testament. Thought to be written by Ezra.

16- Galatians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

17- Genesis

Found in the Old Testament. Thought to be written by Moses.

18- Habakkuk

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Habakkuk.

19- Haggai

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Haggai.

20- Hebrews

Found in the New Testament. Author is unknown.

21- Hosea

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Hosea.

22- Isaiah

Found in the Old Testament. Witten by the prophet Isaiah.

23- James

Found in the New Testament. Thought to be written by Jesus Christ’s half brother James.

24- Jeremiah

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Jeremiah.

25- Job

Found in the Old Testament. Author unknown.

26- Joel

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Joel.

27- John

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle John.

28- 1 John

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle John.

29- 2 John

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle John.

30- 3 John

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle John.

Books of the Bible in Alphabetical Order

books of the Bible in alphabetical order
Books of the Bible in alphabetical order

31- Jonah

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Jonah.

32- Joshua

Found in the Old Testament. Exact author unknown. Thought to be multiple authors.

33- Jude

Found in the New Testament. Thought to be written by Jesus’ half brother Jude.

34- Judges

Found in the Old Testament. Author unknown.

35- 1 Kings

Found in the Old Testament. Author unknown.

36- 2 Kings

Found in the Old Testament. Author unknown.

37- Lamentations

Found in the Old Testament. Exact Author unknown.

38- Leviticus

Found in the Old Testament. Author generally thought to be Moses.

39- Luke

Found in the New Testament. Written by Luke.

40- Malachi

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Malachi.

41- Mark

Found in the New Testament. Written by Mark.

42- Matthew

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Matthew.

43- Micah

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Micah.

44- Nahum

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Nahum.

45- Nehemiah

Found in the Old Testament. Author thought to be Ezra.

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46- Numbers

Found in the Old Testament. Author generally thought to be Moses.

47- Obadiah

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Obadiah.

48- 1 Peter

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Peter.

49- 2 Peter

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Peter.

50- Philemon

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

51- Philippians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

52- Proverbs

Found in the Old Testament. Some of it written by King Solomon, but it’s thought other authors contributed as well.

53- Psalms

Found in the Old Testament. Written by many different authors including King David.

54- Revelation

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle John.

55- Romans

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

56- Ruth

Found in the Old Testament. Author unknown.

57- 1 Samuel

Found in the Old Testament. Author unknown.

58- 2 Samuel

Found in the Old Testament. Author unknown.

59- Song of Solomon

Found in the Old Testament. Author generally believed to be King Solomon.

60- 1 Thessalonians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

61- 2 Thessalonians

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

62- 1 Timothy

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

63- 2 Timothy

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

64- Titus

Found in the New Testament. Written by the apostle Paul.

65- Zechariah

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet/priest Zechariah.

66- Zephaniah

Found in the Old Testament. Written by the prophet Zephaniah.

Shop – the Bible in Alphabetical Order

If you want to purchase a copy of the Bible with all the books in alphabetical order, I found this printing in the King James Version.

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 (KJV) presents the Bible in a user friendly format. All the books are all arranged by alphabetical order so readers not familiar with the order of all the 66 books can find passages more expeditiously. A great Bible for all purposes and uses. Attractive cover resembles the leather-bound volumes we have grown to love and feel familiar around. The concept of presenting the Word in an order contrary to the long-standing Canon is done not to upset or contradict the established order of Scripture – but to lure people back to the Bible and create a new interest in the 21st Century. For too long people have been challenged in immediately finding verses due to the order of our 400 year-old Bible. Now, an answer, the ALPHA BIBLE. –

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